Friday, November 25, 2011
Nana's house!!
HEY!! right now i am at my great g-ma's house. She lives in Tennessee..... this computer is really fun and big!! :) awww..... i have to go. mommie got mad at me for not asking Nana if i could use her awesomly large computer.... rrrggg!! i cant type today!! ok... bibi
Sunday, October 16, 2011

Saturday, July 2, 2011
The Mountains
HEY!! right now i am in the mountains for the 4th. well, i am leaving tomorrow, on the 3rd to go up to the lake, but we are having fireworks tonight. Yesterday, i got up at 6:45 to go to swim at county. fun. early. WAY TOO EARLY!!! After that, we went to andrew's show that he performed after a week of camp. Then, we took off to the mountains. It took a few hours, but we finally got here. Kate (my aunt) and simon, mimi, and granddad are here too. We settled in and did stuff, then we all went to dinner. It was pretty good. i had a hot dog and tater tots. yum. then, we watched the fireworks that were over the mountain for everyone to see. that was fun. Then we came home. we kinda just fiddeled around for a few and stuff, then, at 12:30, we went to bed. It was very fun!!!
Today i woke up at 10:38. hehehe. i was tired from waking up so early yesterday. Then, i came and had a late breakfast that mimi had put together for me. After that, mimi, andrew, mommie and dattie went on a walk. i stayed here and checked my 16 emails. Now, i am doing this. FUN. Morgan and family are coming up today. that will be fun. Tonight we are having our mini fireworks here. it will be fun.
hey!!!!!!!! i am posting. and it is the 6th. ahhahaha. well, the mountains was awesome. The crofts came, and morgan, granddad, uncle shannon, andrew, ford, Kate, Simon, and i went to pick up fireworks. We got some, and then our car (kate, simon, morgan, william and i) got snow cones. The other car never knew. :) hahahahaha. well, then, morgan and i went tubing down the creek. That took a long time and it was very fun. until i got hurt. well, then we did stuff. After that, we set up our tent. Later, we had dinner and fireworks.
Thursday, June 23, 2011
Hey. A few days ago i went to six flags.
In the morning, i woke up. Andrews friend called, and said he had other family plans, so he couldn't go. so, andrew had no one to go with. Angela was going with me. later, andrew's friend's dad texted my dad and said he couldn't come because they had a baby. I thought that was very funny. Then, when Angela came, we left. We had so much fun. we rode like all the rides because we had flash passes. We did not get to ride the new ride, Dare Devil dive, because it was not on the flash pass, and there was a very long wait. My favorite rides were Goliath and Superman. :) I also, for the first time, rode Acrophobia. It was so much fun!! it was the one that went really high and dropped. It is taller than the leaning tower of pisa. COOL!! We had so much fun. Angela and Andrew and Dattie (and william, maybe) made it so much fun!! After six flags, we went to Mellow Mushroom. We always go after six flags, because we get there at like 10 or 11, when it opens, and leave at 8 when it closes. The pizza was good. While we were eating, mommie joined us, because she doesn't like six flags, so she just came to eat and did not go to six flags. She supprised us when she came though. After that, we went home. Angela slept over. We watched Tv and stuff. I love six flags, and i am so happy we got that experience. !!!! :)
Saturday, June 11, 2011
yo yo yo!!! I am in st. Lucia right now. For those who don't know where that is, it is an island in the Caribbean.Usually, our family takes a trip for 1 week to a Caribbean island every summer. Usually it is later in the summer, but now, it is in the beginning, which is good, because no one is here. We woke up at 6:15 this morning, and got ourselves ready. Then, at 6:45 an SUV came and picked us up and drove us the the airport. When we got there, we went through the whole process, like getting our bags checked and scanning us for any weapon material. Then, at about 9, we arrived safely to where we needed to be in the airport. E1, all the way at the very end of the airport. Very last place. Of course, The flight got delayed. 1 hour, so we were just sitting there for more than an hour doing nothing. Finally, They were ready to board. At about 10:55, not 9:45, which was what it was supposed to be. When we got on, I realized, soon after, that we had no TVs on the back of the seats. I was really disapointed, because i didn't know what i would do for 4 hours and 12 minutes. I figured we didn't because we had to switch planes, because one was taking a REALLY long time. I hope we will have them on our way back. After we took off, we realized there were radios on each seat arm, and a TV that played 1 movie. I forgot what movie it was, because i couldn't watch it, because it was PG13. So, I just listened to channel 10 and 11 on the radio, read, and slept for the whole trip. Finally, we got to St. Lucia. The airport is really tiny, but there were not many people there, except the ones who had just gotten off the plane we had. We went through all that process, and rented a car (at first the car was too small for our bags, so we had to pay extra money for a bigger one, which took twice as long). Then, we were on the road again. We were told it would take us 2 hours to get to our destination, on the other side of the island. Oh brother. I slept for most of the time there. Other from our resort, St. Lucia is a really depressing place, with run-down buildings, and horrible hotels and houses. When we finally got to our resort, it was BEAUTIFUL!! Way different from the rest of the island. Thank goodness! It didn't take us but 1 and a half ours to get here. :) We checked in, and then we sat down in the open lobby area. I had kind of remembered that from when we went to St. Lucia last. 5 years ago. Then, they gave us these cold towels that smelled really good to cool our selves off. Then, we got fruit punch. The good Caribbean kind. :) YUM! After, we looked at the events for tomorrow. We are mostly going to stay in the hotel and go the the beach and the pool and stuff like that. After that, we took a shuttle up to our room. It is in walking distance, but that helped us with our bags. When we got to our room (btw the hotel is Wind Jammer), room 46, it was amazing. We got inside and we had 3 stories all to ourselves. There is a stair case leading down to Andrew, William, and I's room. It is so fun! it has 2 twin beds, a bath room, a closet, a porch, and a large lounging area, that can act as a reading area, and where someone is going to sleep each night. The 2nd floor has the kitchen, table, and living room, and TV. The third floor is mommie and dattie's. There room has 1 king bed, a bathroom, with a very large shower, and a closet (i think ours is a bit better). Then, out on their porch, is another stair case and an awesome view. The stairs lead to the roof. It has a really nice view. OH! on the 2nd floor, the main one, it has a porch. The porch has a table, an awesome view, and a plunge pool! It is quite small, but big enough! it is really cool. After we explored the house, we went and had dinner. It was just a beach side resturant. I had spaggettie (how do u spell that???) YUM!! Then, we took a small walk on the beach and up to our room. First, we checked our the pool nearby, the big one, and the resturant near that. It was nice. Then, we went to our room, and the 3 kids got into our small plunge pool for a while, while mommie and dattie sat out on the deck and talked. Then, we all went inside and took a fast shower and got ready for bed. Now, I am here, typing. :)
Well, I will post again tomorrow. CANT WAIT!! it will be a fun day!! :)
GRRR!!! i posted for Sunday, but it didn't save. awwww. I guess You wont here about that then. It was fun. beach, pool, n such. Fun. ya. Oh! and Grocery Store.
Ok. So, It is tuesday, and i forgot to post on Monday. THis is the best i can do.......
Well, I woke up around 9ish. Mommie, Dattie, and Andrew were back from their polaties (???) class on the beach. We had a quick breakfast, and then we headed to Parrot something or other beach/park. We had heard that the beach was one of the best on the island, so we brought our swim gear. The only problem was that the beach was WAY too crowded. (OH! i almost forgot. When we were parking, this man showed us where to park, and then he told us our futures. I dont remember anyone's but mine. One palm said i would be intelligent (no problem with that one) the other said that i would be in a movie. FUN!! But i dont believe in any of that mumbo jumbo. After all, the Bible says not to try to predict the future. Also, he gave us some kind on beans he found off the ground or somthing. stupid. Also, i was wearing my James and the Giant Peach shirt. real classy. now i know staring in a movie is not true.) wow! It was a holiday there, in St. Lucia, but idk what. Well, so then we just went to the park. We had a picknic for lunch. It was very delicious. Turkey sandwiches. Then, we took a look all around. There were old ruins of things from a past war in St. Lucia a long time ago. Then, when i was posing for a picture behind a tree, i was attacked by ants. No, and i mean literally. There was an ant hill i didn't see, and they were all over me. Horrible experience. Then, we went home. well, after we got an awesome picture, might be our Christmas Card!!! we got home just in time for william to go to the coconut bowling at the jacko (idk how to spell. It has a silent t at the end) club. It was on the back though. They rolled a coconut and hit these tin cans. The best part was, this is now our phrase of the day, when each person would bowl, the Jacko lady would go, "ROLL THAT COCONUT!!" in a really funny voice. :) Well, then andrew, dattie and i went down and took this scoobadiving demo thing. Dattie couldn't do it, becuase aparently he had too many medical issues. he had 5 yeses on his form he filled out. Well, all they did was give us the gear and then we just swam around close to shore. FUN! it was so cool! well, then, we went tubing. A boat took us out in 2 tubes at the same time. LIke attached with a rope. Andrew went with me, beacuse my parents didn't come down. it was fun! Then, we swam and stuff and then we went and got ready for dinner. William went to his little jacko club while we went to the Dragonfly. It was like a chinese and something else resturant. it was good. Then, we came home. GOOD DAY!!
well, now for today
Well, i woke up at 8:30, personal record for vacation, and the whole family went to the gym. we worked out for like 45 minutes. And it was a big long work out. Fun. Then, we went snorkling. A boat took us not too far off the resort. Just around the corner, and then we snorkeled there. The whole family went, but mommie didn't get in. Only take pics. It was really cool. Well, then, we came back and had hotdogs for lunch. They were good, as hot dogs often are. After that, we went back down the the beach and swam and stuff. Then, we went on the banana boat ride again. that was fun. again. After that we did a little more swimming and stuff, and then, we went back up and got ready for dinner. Then, we went to this place at Jammers (resturant). it was just a small party with free snacks and drinks. While we were there, william was at Jackos. The snacks were very good, as were the drinks. Then, we went to dinner. We went to Papa Dons. It was good. I had a pizza. the only problem was there was too much cheese. It was still really good. After that, we went down to pick up william. We were all really tired and decided not to go to the limbo contest on the beach. We came home, made popcorn, and sat down and watched some TV. Matilda. Silly movie says my mommie. Well, then, i had a quarter of a klondike. Then, everyone else went to bed. Now, i am here, all alone typing. I better get to bed. We have a big day tomorrow!!! post then!!! :)
HEY!! It is Thursday!!! I didn't post yesterday, because i was too tired. We had a really good day yesterday. Here it is.....
So, today, i woke up early. It was around 8:30ish. We had to be at the dock by 9. So, i had breakfast, got ready, and then we left. We went to the sports hut thing, and there was a boat (Exodus 3 i believe), with 2 people on it. Del and Nelson. Del was the captain of the boat. Nelson was his 1st mate. He was a young wipersnapper (long story. Word of the day). Then, we took off. First, we just went sightseeing around the island. It was really pretty, and yet not so pretty (like most of the building and such). Then, Del took us to many snorkeling spots. The first one was the best. Really pretty fish and coral and reefs and stuff. The next one was kind of plain. Not much coral or reefs, but many fish. We even saw a huge school of little tiny fish. So cute!! The next one was my personal second favorite. Lots of fish and reefs and coral too. Not as pretty though. Some point in all or goings, we stopped for a snack of pringles and doritos. Yum. Then, we went and had lunch. We had it at Doolittle's. In the bay we were at, was where Dr. Doolittle (the origional movie) was filmed. COOL!! We had it with Nelson, and talked to him and stuff over lunch. Del was not very social, but he was really funny and nice. After that, we stopped somewhere to get some ice cream/frozen yogurt (idk which one!). Then, we took off, again. We saw many houses, like McJagger's, and some peeps i had never heard of. One was roumered to be Oprah's. Then, we stopped one last place to go swimming. It was a rock arch in the ocean. The coolest thing about it was that Pirates of the Carribbean was filmed there. I believe, in the 1st movie, it was the cave they went into. SO COOL!!! :) After that, we had to go back to our resort. We had been out there for 8 hours. wow!! Long time!!! well, then, we played in the ocean for a few minutes, and went back up to our villa. Then, we just rested. I forgot what we had for dinner. Whoops. That was a really fun day!!!
Now today...
Today i woke up around 8:30ish. I had breakfast (yogurt), and then, our whole family went to the gym. We were there for almost an hour. We got a good workout! then, William and I went to The Jacko club. We tie-died t-shirts. They turned out to be pretty good. Mine was orange, green, and blue. The only other color was red. After that, We went down to the beach. well, i went up to the room and watched Paula Dean for a few minutes, then we went down to the beach. We played in the ocean and i played in the sand for some time. Then, we had lunch at a nearby resturant. I had a Cesar Salad. It was good. After that, we stayed around the beach for some time. We went to race crabs with the Jacko peeps. I didn't win any. :( Andrew won like 3 and got a ring pop. :( he wouldn't give any to me though. :( Then, we went to the Banana Boat again. That was fun. again. After that, we all took a family trip to the grocery store. It was fun. I got a pie. I LOVE PIE!!! :) It was apple. :) When we came back to the room, we made dinner. We had turkey burgers and mac-n-cheese. I made the mac. It was very good. Then, we all went to the pool next to papa dons. Andrew got a Taramisu. I had a bite, and it was delicious!! I had never had it before. Then, we swam a bit. Then, we came back to the room and got our showers and such. After we got ready for bed, i had my pie. I also had Guava ice cream that we got at the grocery store. Dattie and I sat together. Now, I am here. Well, I will post either tomorrow or the next day. POST then!!! :)
HEY!! it is Saturday!!! But, it is not over yet. I will do yesterday's post, NOW!!!!
Well, hi. "today" i woke up around, 9ish?? Idk really. Well, i got up and ate breakfast. Then, after i got all dressed and stuff, we went down to the lobby. There was a dude there, and we got in his bus. He was taking us to the treetop zip-lining. We had to make 1 more stop to another hotel, The Sandals, then, we went to the rainforest. It took about 45/1 hour to get there. When we got there, we were offered a nasty drink. Then, we got on all our gear and were taught how to zip-line. Also, mommie had a hairnet to keep her hair from getting in the line, and it was pretty funny! :) Then, we went on all the lines. There were 12, but 1 was very tiny. #10 i believe. Well, we had so much fun. Mommie was skeptical at first about doing it, but then she had a blast!! After that, we came back to our resort. OH! i almost forgot. while we were there, 1 worker dude found a snake. It was a boa. AWESOME!! He let the people who wanted to take a picture with it around our neck while he was holding the neck. I did, but my family was too scared. Then, we went back to our resort. We got ready, and then went to the tubing on the back of the boat. This time the whole family came. It was fun. Then, we hung around. Hit the pool. Well, not literally. And then, after that, we went to Jammers while william was at Jackos. I had a burger. Then, we came home, watched some Shark Tank, had some popcorn, and went to bed. Good day!!
Well, Today isn't over yet but i might just do so far......
Well, Today i woke up at 8:05. EARLY!! I stayed in bed until 8:20, and then got my book and read until 9 in bed. I am reading Stormbreaker. It is very good. Then, i came upstairs and had breakfast. Then, we all went to the gym. Well, all but Andrew. He was too tired. I did such a good workout that i am very sore now. Well, then, we came back and got ready and stuff. After that, we went to Rodney Bay (not too far away- 10 min. maybe) and had lunch. We had heard about this one place, but couldn't find it, so we at at the Bread Basket. I had a BLT on a baguett. It was really good!!! :) Then, we came back. After, we got all ready and went to the pool. We swam a bit, but then we all read for a long time. Well, William played on Dattie's phone. The rest of us read. After that, we all went to the beach. The water was too cold, so we didn't get in. Then, it started to rain, so we went into Jammer's and since it was happy hour, we all had a drink. I had a peach Virgin Daqri (or something) Then, we all came up to the room. We swam in the plunge pool, then took showers. Then, we had pizza and played Balderdash. It was really funny. Our phrase for the day is, "Michael, Give me a smatchet of that scrump gravy!!" ahahhaahha. long story. Now, i am typing, about to go watch some TV and make some popcorn. William just went to bed. BIBI!!! Post tomorrow or when we get home :(
HEY!! it is monday. And we are leaving today. I wanted to have a lot of time here before we had to leave at 11, so i woke up at 7:15. EARLY!! and that is what time it is right now. I am very tired. Ok. So here is yesterday.
"Today" i woke up at like, um, idk. Well, after i woke up i had breakfast and then got ready to go down to the beach. Later, we all went down to the beach. We played and read and stuff. Also, dattie made up a funny song about dirty birdies. That was our phrase of the day :) While we were there, we had lunch at Embers. I had ribs. YUM!! Later, we went to the Infinaty pool. We swam and played and stuff. OH. before that andrew and i went to the main pool and played pool volleyball. I won once and andrew won twice. After the infinity pool, we went back to our cabin. We finished packing, watched TV, and got ready for dinner. Then, we went to dinner. We went to Papa Dons. It was really good. I had buttered penne pasta. After that, we came home and made cookies while mommie and dattie went on a walk. They came back, and they had the cookies. They were a little overdone, but still really good. After that, we watched some Food Network. There was a new Star Chef or something. Then, i went upstairs with mommie, talked about SIX FLAGS on Tuesday (tomorrow!!!) and then i went to bed. It was a nice last day :)
Well, I will post again tomorrow. CANT WAIT!! it will be a fun day!! :)
GRRR!!! i posted for Sunday, but it didn't save. awwww. I guess You wont here about that then. It was fun. beach, pool, n such. Fun. ya. Oh! and Grocery Store.
Ok. So, It is tuesday, and i forgot to post on Monday. THis is the best i can do.......
Well, I woke up around 9ish. Mommie, Dattie, and Andrew were back from their polaties (???) class on the beach. We had a quick breakfast, and then we headed to Parrot something or other beach/park. We had heard that the beach was one of the best on the island, so we brought our swim gear. The only problem was that the beach was WAY too crowded. (OH! i almost forgot. When we were parking, this man showed us where to park, and then he told us our futures. I dont remember anyone's but mine. One palm said i would be intelligent (no problem with that one) the other said that i would be in a movie. FUN!! But i dont believe in any of that mumbo jumbo. After all, the Bible says not to try to predict the future. Also, he gave us some kind on beans he found off the ground or somthing. stupid. Also, i was wearing my James and the Giant Peach shirt. real classy. now i know staring in a movie is not true.) wow! It was a holiday there, in St. Lucia, but idk what. Well, so then we just went to the park. We had a picknic for lunch. It was very delicious. Turkey sandwiches. Then, we took a look all around. There were old ruins of things from a past war in St. Lucia a long time ago. Then, when i was posing for a picture behind a tree, i was attacked by ants. No, and i mean literally. There was an ant hill i didn't see, and they were all over me. Horrible experience. Then, we went home. well, after we got an awesome picture, might be our Christmas Card!!! we got home just in time for william to go to the coconut bowling at the jacko (idk how to spell. It has a silent t at the end) club. It was on the back though. They rolled a coconut and hit these tin cans. The best part was, this is now our phrase of the day, when each person would bowl, the Jacko lady would go, "ROLL THAT COCONUT!!" in a really funny voice. :) Well, then andrew, dattie and i went down and took this scoobadiving demo thing. Dattie couldn't do it, becuase aparently he had too many medical issues. he had 5 yeses on his form he filled out. Well, all they did was give us the gear and then we just swam around close to shore. FUN! it was so cool! well, then, we went tubing. A boat took us out in 2 tubes at the same time. LIke attached with a rope. Andrew went with me, beacuse my parents didn't come down. it was fun! Then, we swam and stuff and then we went and got ready for dinner. William went to his little jacko club while we went to the Dragonfly. It was like a chinese and something else resturant. it was good. Then, we came home. GOOD DAY!!
well, now for today
Well, i woke up at 8:30, personal record for vacation, and the whole family went to the gym. we worked out for like 45 minutes. And it was a big long work out. Fun. Then, we went snorkling. A boat took us not too far off the resort. Just around the corner, and then we snorkeled there. The whole family went, but mommie didn't get in. Only take pics. It was really cool. Well, then, we came back and had hotdogs for lunch. They were good, as hot dogs often are. After that, we went back down the the beach and swam and stuff. Then, we went on the banana boat ride again. that was fun. again. After that we did a little more swimming and stuff, and then, we went back up and got ready for dinner. Then, we went to this place at Jammers (resturant). it was just a small party with free snacks and drinks. While we were there, william was at Jackos. The snacks were very good, as were the drinks. Then, we went to dinner. We went to Papa Dons. It was good. I had a pizza. the only problem was there was too much cheese. It was still really good. After that, we went down to pick up william. We were all really tired and decided not to go to the limbo contest on the beach. We came home, made popcorn, and sat down and watched some TV. Matilda. Silly movie says my mommie. Well, then, i had a quarter of a klondike. Then, everyone else went to bed. Now, i am here, all alone typing. I better get to bed. We have a big day tomorrow!!! post then!!! :)
HEY!! It is Thursday!!! I didn't post yesterday, because i was too tired. We had a really good day yesterday. Here it is.....
So, today, i woke up early. It was around 8:30ish. We had to be at the dock by 9. So, i had breakfast, got ready, and then we left. We went to the sports hut thing, and there was a boat (Exodus 3 i believe), with 2 people on it. Del and Nelson. Del was the captain of the boat. Nelson was his 1st mate. He was a young wipersnapper (long story. Word of the day). Then, we took off. First, we just went sightseeing around the island. It was really pretty, and yet not so pretty (like most of the building and such). Then, Del took us to many snorkeling spots. The first one was the best. Really pretty fish and coral and reefs and stuff. The next one was kind of plain. Not much coral or reefs, but many fish. We even saw a huge school of little tiny fish. So cute!! The next one was my personal second favorite. Lots of fish and reefs and coral too. Not as pretty though. Some point in all or goings, we stopped for a snack of pringles and doritos. Yum. Then, we went and had lunch. We had it at Doolittle's. In the bay we were at, was where Dr. Doolittle (the origional movie) was filmed. COOL!! We had it with Nelson, and talked to him and stuff over lunch. Del was not very social, but he was really funny and nice. After that, we stopped somewhere to get some ice cream/frozen yogurt (idk which one!). Then, we took off, again. We saw many houses, like McJagger's, and some peeps i had never heard of. One was roumered to be Oprah's. Then, we stopped one last place to go swimming. It was a rock arch in the ocean. The coolest thing about it was that Pirates of the Carribbean was filmed there. I believe, in the 1st movie, it was the cave they went into. SO COOL!!! :) After that, we had to go back to our resort. We had been out there for 8 hours. wow!! Long time!!! well, then, we played in the ocean for a few minutes, and went back up to our villa. Then, we just rested. I forgot what we had for dinner. Whoops. That was a really fun day!!!
Now today...
Today i woke up around 8:30ish. I had breakfast (yogurt), and then, our whole family went to the gym. We were there for almost an hour. We got a good workout! then, William and I went to The Jacko club. We tie-died t-shirts. They turned out to be pretty good. Mine was orange, green, and blue. The only other color was red. After that, We went down to the beach. well, i went up to the room and watched Paula Dean for a few minutes, then we went down to the beach. We played in the ocean and i played in the sand for some time. Then, we had lunch at a nearby resturant. I had a Cesar Salad. It was good. After that, we stayed around the beach for some time. We went to race crabs with the Jacko peeps. I didn't win any. :( Andrew won like 3 and got a ring pop. :( he wouldn't give any to me though. :( Then, we went to the Banana Boat again. That was fun. again. After that, we all took a family trip to the grocery store. It was fun. I got a pie. I LOVE PIE!!! :) It was apple. :) When we came back to the room, we made dinner. We had turkey burgers and mac-n-cheese. I made the mac. It was very good. Then, we all went to the pool next to papa dons. Andrew got a Taramisu. I had a bite, and it was delicious!! I had never had it before. Then, we swam a bit. Then, we came back to the room and got our showers and such. After we got ready for bed, i had my pie. I also had Guava ice cream that we got at the grocery store. Dattie and I sat together. Now, I am here. Well, I will post either tomorrow or the next day. POST then!!! :)
HEY!! it is Saturday!!! But, it is not over yet. I will do yesterday's post, NOW!!!!
Well, hi. "today" i woke up around, 9ish?? Idk really. Well, i got up and ate breakfast. Then, after i got all dressed and stuff, we went down to the lobby. There was a dude there, and we got in his bus. He was taking us to the treetop zip-lining. We had to make 1 more stop to another hotel, The Sandals, then, we went to the rainforest. It took about 45/1 hour to get there. When we got there, we were offered a nasty drink. Then, we got on all our gear and were taught how to zip-line. Also, mommie had a hairnet to keep her hair from getting in the line, and it was pretty funny! :) Then, we went on all the lines. There were 12, but 1 was very tiny. #10 i believe. Well, we had so much fun. Mommie was skeptical at first about doing it, but then she had a blast!! After that, we came back to our resort. OH! i almost forgot. while we were there, 1 worker dude found a snake. It was a boa. AWESOME!! He let the people who wanted to take a picture with it around our neck while he was holding the neck. I did, but my family was too scared. Then, we went back to our resort. We got ready, and then went to the tubing on the back of the boat. This time the whole family came. It was fun. Then, we hung around. Hit the pool. Well, not literally. And then, after that, we went to Jammers while william was at Jackos. I had a burger. Then, we came home, watched some Shark Tank, had some popcorn, and went to bed. Good day!!
Well, Today isn't over yet but i might just do so far......
Well, Today i woke up at 8:05. EARLY!! I stayed in bed until 8:20, and then got my book and read until 9 in bed. I am reading Stormbreaker. It is very good. Then, i came upstairs and had breakfast. Then, we all went to the gym. Well, all but Andrew. He was too tired. I did such a good workout that i am very sore now. Well, then, we came back and got ready and stuff. After that, we went to Rodney Bay (not too far away- 10 min. maybe) and had lunch. We had heard about this one place, but couldn't find it, so we at at the Bread Basket. I had a BLT on a baguett. It was really good!!! :) Then, we came back. After, we got all ready and went to the pool. We swam a bit, but then we all read for a long time. Well, William played on Dattie's phone. The rest of us read. After that, we all went to the beach. The water was too cold, so we didn't get in. Then, it started to rain, so we went into Jammer's and since it was happy hour, we all had a drink. I had a peach Virgin Daqri (or something) Then, we all came up to the room. We swam in the plunge pool, then took showers. Then, we had pizza and played Balderdash. It was really funny. Our phrase for the day is, "Michael, Give me a smatchet of that scrump gravy!!" ahahhaahha. long story. Now, i am typing, about to go watch some TV and make some popcorn. William just went to bed. BIBI!!! Post tomorrow or when we get home :(
HEY!! it is monday. And we are leaving today. I wanted to have a lot of time here before we had to leave at 11, so i woke up at 7:15. EARLY!! and that is what time it is right now. I am very tired. Ok. So here is yesterday.
"Today" i woke up at like, um, idk. Well, after i woke up i had breakfast and then got ready to go down to the beach. Later, we all went down to the beach. We played and read and stuff. Also, dattie made up a funny song about dirty birdies. That was our phrase of the day :) While we were there, we had lunch at Embers. I had ribs. YUM!! Later, we went to the Infinaty pool. We swam and played and stuff. OH. before that andrew and i went to the main pool and played pool volleyball. I won once and andrew won twice. After the infinity pool, we went back to our cabin. We finished packing, watched TV, and got ready for dinner. Then, we went to dinner. We went to Papa Dons. It was really good. I had buttered penne pasta. After that, we came home and made cookies while mommie and dattie went on a walk. They came back, and they had the cookies. They were a little overdone, but still really good. After that, we watched some Food Network. There was a new Star Chef or something. Then, i went upstairs with mommie, talked about SIX FLAGS on Tuesday (tomorrow!!!) and then i went to bed. It was a nice last day :)
i know it is thursday, but here is monday...
so, "today" i woke up early, as said before, and we went down to the beach one last time. Then, when we came back, we got ready to leave. Then, we went down to the lobby. We also went to give a pair of sunglasses to Dell, because he needed new ones, so we bought him some. :) Then, we drove to the airport. When we got there, we checked our bags, had BLT's that we brought, and then we waited and got on our plane. I slept on the plane for like an hour and a half. Then, i read for the rest of the time. I FINISHED MY BOOK!!! :) yeah me. It was the one for school that was long. When we got off, it was late. like 8:30. We went through the long customs, and then we found the guy that was driving us home (he had one of those signs that said "tomas Sabonis-Chafee" cool!!) then we went home. We got home at like 9:47. I said hi to mattie. YEAH!! :) and listened to my ipod, watched TV, then went to bed. SIX FLAGS TOMORROW!!
Sunday, June 5, 2011
Kelly over
Yesterday Kelly (Dunlap) came over to sleep over. When she got here we didn't know what to do, until I showed her Ashley and I's production of Blow (by Kesha). We had made a music video that was AWESOME a few weeks back. So, Kelly and I decided to do a music video to "I just wanna run" by the downtown fiction.
Our video was about Kelly and I fighting over a blanket. We walked into the store, and it was 50% off, and we both wanted the same blanket(this really intense instrumental music playing). We fought and Kelly won and ran (when i just wanna run started) all the way around the house, and went to her house and fell asleep. Then, i went into her room and traded out the blankets (one that was 50% off, but not the good one). I gave the ungood one to Kelly and Stole the good one, and went to my house. Kelly woke up, and realized she had the wrong blanket, and came to my house. She tried to steel the blanket off me while i was sleeping, but i woke up and chased her. I tripped, and fell, and she hid in the pantry. I looked in the pantry, but couldn't find her because she was around the corner. Then, she came out thinking i was gone. I chased her and we both fell on the couch. then, we realized how stupid we were being, and we became friends. then, we had a picnic (with just goldfish) on the blanket. then, we got up and skipped, and bowed.
Then, we had bloopers. The first one was kelly running around the house getting to her room, but when she got to the garage (she was supposed to go inside), the garage door was closed
Another one was me, after i got the blanket, leaving the room, and going, mwahaha. It was not convincing AT ALL. hahahah
The last, and my personal favorite, was when i was stealing the blanket off of kelly, william was filming, and he started laughing, and then he was like, there's low battery. and then, i was like, "William!!!!!!!!!! YOUR FIRED!!!!!" and he was like, in this really sad voice, "but there was low battery"
Well, Kelly and I did that like ALL night. It was so much fun. The best part was that everything fit in PERFECTLY with the music. Like, Kelly started running at the beginning, and it said, I just wanna run
Another one was when Kelly and I became friends, and we took off our eyemasks from the top of our head, and we threw them on the ground. Right then was when it said "throw it away"
Another was when kelly was sleeping, and i came in, and it said "sick of loosing sleep"
It was so awesome and i am so proud of it!!! THANKS KELLY FOR ALL UR HARD WORK!! :)
Monday, May 30, 2011
hey!! i am at the lake right now. It is like 2 hours away from our house, but i don't exactly know where yet. We got here around 1, and ate lunch, swam, and checked into our room. The drive up was nice. I read, listened to my ipod, and slept. When we got here, we saw the lake, and it was pretty pretty. Then, we had lunch. It consisted of turkey bagel sandwiches. It was really good. Next, since our check in time wasn't until 4, we swam for a while. It was really fun! After, when our parents were resting by the pool, we went to the playground right next to the pool and did a scavenger hunt with random things we found. Then, we found some legos bodies, but could not find the head (this was at the park), so we searched in the sand for quite some time, and we found only one head and a random school bus. After, we played in the pool a little. Then, i accidentally hurt Andrew- :( - (he was not letting me in the club of him and william. I had to guess the password) so we went inside. Our room is really cool. There is 2 queen beds, a tv, a mini fridge, a bathroom and a closet. Not too big. Then, we watched TV for a little while and took our showers and stuff like that. Also, we had a bunch of cookies and lemonade because they are free in the lobby. The lobby is REALLY nice. It is all wildlife-like. We soon figured out we forgot mommie's bag at home, so now she is all sad. :( She is sitting outside, William and Andrew are talking to her, dattie is renting a boat for tomorrow, and I am typing. We have not had the best of days, but i hope tomorrow will be 100% better.
Write back then!!!
Hey!!! it is now 10:37, and we just had dinner. It was really good. I had pasta. Well, we went to wallmart to get my mom a swim suit and me a few things. i got a spongebob t-shirt and an awesomely cool jacket!!! hahahah!! After that, we came back here for dinner, very good might i add again. Then we went out in front of the hotel and had smores. There is a fire everynight with smore stuff. SO COOL!!! Then andrew and i played corn hole (beanbag thing where u try to get them in a hole) Then we played ladder ball (where ladders with 3 poles, and strings with golf balls on either end, and you try to get them on the ladder by throwing) that was fun. Then we swung on the swing all together (william andrew and i) and then we came inside, and i found a computer in the lobby, so cool, that anyone could use, and that is what i am doing. I went on my email and had like 10, and checked those, all from angela, ashley, and 1 from kelly. I told them all to visit here :) well, i better go. OH! there is a phone that someone left behind here!! lol!! well, i have to go. We are playing Balderdash upstairs. I have been down here for a while. PROBIBALY ALREADY STARTED!!! OH NO!!!!! BYE!!!
write back tomorrow!!!! :)
HEY!! its not tomorrow, but it is 11:13. Almost tomorrow. 47 more minutes!!! Well, I got upstairs, and They weren't playing balderdash. grrrrrrrr. They said it was "too late", so i set my bed up, i am sleeping with my mom, and I began to read. They have fancy book lights, but they are not complimentary. :( so, i was reading, and i told my mom to read my blog. so she did. And then i decided to get on, but she was on her phone, so it was taking a long time. So, i then went the 2 steps to get to my dad's computer, and now i just changed the background because SCHOOL IS OUT FOR SUMMER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! so, now it is a lake. Then i started posing again. I will be posting quite frequently with the everyone computer downstairs in the lobby, and my dad's up here in the room
my dad wants me to leave now. It is time to read. Aww. my dattie wants my book light. no thanks!! well,
POST tomorrow!!! and i mean really tomorrow!!!!
till then!!! :)
HEY!! it is tomorrow. And i am posting. Well, i got up this morning, (i had the weirdest dream that we were presenting our geography projects, and lucy, rachel, and nicole were at my table, and mrs. veal was just like, ok. Harrison cook will go first and then emily, because we are going in alphabetical through the class. (i am not after cook!!) well, then she asked us if we all had our salads. Then, i woke up) and we had the complimentary breakfast in the lobby (i had froot loops and apple juice) and then i got ready, and we left to the marina. We had rented a boat for 10 am to 2 pm. We were all really excited. When we got there we saw our boat and the dude explained to us how to use it and stuff, and we took off. First we rode around (very fast) for a while. Then we played in the lake and tried to guess the passwords for eachothers clubs. fun. THen, we took out the tube and put it on the back of the boat and rode it. First andrew, william and I went. Andrew and i purposely fell off. :) Then just andrew and william. Then, my dad and i. That was not the best because my mom was driving the boat, so she was a MAINIAC!!! my dad and i went like 8 feet into the air!!! Then, andrew and dattie, then mommie and andrew(i think. maybe not that order). Then we had lunch on the boat. Bagel sandwiches agian. :) yum!!! Then we played a little more on the lake. After, we all got on the boat and we took a fast run through the lake. We also tried to find the rope swing, but we never did. Then, mommie, william and i took the tube and just rode slowly back to where the boats were docked. We were sad it was over :( It was so much fun!! After we took a quick plunge (dattie word!!) in the pool to get cooled off and such. Then we came back to our room. I took a shower, and then watched the vido for my book (skeleton creek: the raven- really GOOD BOOK!!! like the best series EVER!!) and now i am on the computer in the lobby. OH! we also popped some popcorn in the lobby, because, of course, we brought our own. IT WAS SO GOOD!! i love popcorn!!! :)It is 3:44. I should probibaly go, becuase there are people surrounding me at the tables eating. AKWARD!!!!!!!!!! well, i am now going to check my email and then let william play on the computer.
TTFN!! (ta ta for now) Write back later!!! probibaly tonight!!! bibi!!
hey! it is so not tonight only 3:57. i am still on the computer. the people left (yeah!!) and i just checked my email. I felt i needed to say i had 9, and i just checked it last night. 8 were from ashley and 1 from my mom. wow ashley if u r reading this. U ROCK!! :) well, i better go throw my popcorn bag away that my mom just told me to do. :( and give the computer to william. bibi!!!
TTFN!!! write back, well, probibaly (i can NEVER spell that!!!)not tonight. earlier. knowing me:)
HEY!!!! it is 6:24 (it is officially tonight), and we have not been doing much. After i blogged last, william couldn't find anything to do on the computer, so we both went outside and played corn hole and the ladder game. Only, it did not last long. I was getting eaten by misquitoes. GRRR. so then we came inside. Mommie was sleeping, and andrew and dattie were reading, so william and i went out to the lounge area right outside our door, upstairs, and we turned on the TV. It is so cool because we can watch whatever we want. Even change the channel. FUN!!! :) and not many peeps are here, so ya. They wont redicule us. Well, i watched like 1 show, and then fell asleep for 1 and a half shows, so like 45 minutes. Then, when i woke up, william was still awake and there watching tv. i suspect he never moved. well, then i watched the other half of the wizards of waverly place that was on. Then, it was like 6, so i went back in the room and got ready to go to dinner. I could not wear my Sponge bob shirt :( it needed to be fancy. well, mommie does not call it fancy, but she wanted me to be "cute". Now, i am here and we r about to leave, so......
TTFN!! post after dinner and stuff. maybe tomorrow, but probibly (still cant spell!) not.
HEY!! it is so way not after dinner. it is only 6:39. we r leaving soon. I just checked my email. I had like 7, 1 from angela. 6 from ashley. GO ASHLEY!! :) well, then after, ashley was on the same time as me, so i got like 2 more from her. so, ya. i got to go to dinner. bibi!!
later tonight i will post again!! TTFN!!
HEY!! it is now 9:02. We just finished eating our smores out by the fire. We had dinner, i had a very small cesar salad and a few bites of andrew's crab cake. Tonight we sat inside. After dinner, we came out and andrew and i played some corn hole. He won. 6 to 3. Close!! :) jk. well, after that the whole family played ladder ball. It was really fun!! Dattie and I were the 2 finalists. He won though. :( for the 2 finalists, we played 4 rounds until dattie actually got 2 points on the 4th. grrrrrr. Then we had smores. i just had one. my personal lowest record. well, then i cam inside and straight to the computer. fun.
probibly post tomorrow when we get home. we r leaving at like 6:30. way too early!! grrrrr
Write back then!!!
Hey!!! it is now 10:37, and we just had dinner. It was really good. I had pasta. Well, we went to wallmart to get my mom a swim suit and me a few things. i got a spongebob t-shirt and an awesomely cool jacket!!! hahahah!! After that, we came back here for dinner, very good might i add again. Then we went out in front of the hotel and had smores. There is a fire everynight with smore stuff. SO COOL!!! Then andrew and i played corn hole (beanbag thing where u try to get them in a hole) Then we played ladder ball (where ladders with 3 poles, and strings with golf balls on either end, and you try to get them on the ladder by throwing) that was fun. Then we swung on the swing all together (william andrew and i) and then we came inside, and i found a computer in the lobby, so cool, that anyone could use, and that is what i am doing. I went on my email and had like 10, and checked those, all from angela, ashley, and 1 from kelly. I told them all to visit here :) well, i better go. OH! there is a phone that someone left behind here!! lol!! well, i have to go. We are playing Balderdash upstairs. I have been down here for a while. PROBIBALY ALREADY STARTED!!! OH NO!!!!! BYE!!!
write back tomorrow!!!! :)
HEY!! its not tomorrow, but it is 11:13. Almost tomorrow. 47 more minutes!!! Well, I got upstairs, and They weren't playing balderdash. grrrrrrrr. They said it was "too late", so i set my bed up, i am sleeping with my mom, and I began to read. They have fancy book lights, but they are not complimentary. :( so, i was reading, and i told my mom to read my blog. so she did. And then i decided to get on, but she was on her phone, so it was taking a long time. So, i then went the 2 steps to get to my dad's computer, and now i just changed the background because SCHOOL IS OUT FOR SUMMER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! so, now it is a lake. Then i started posing again. I will be posting quite frequently with the everyone computer downstairs in the lobby, and my dad's up here in the room
my dad wants me to leave now. It is time to read. Aww. my dattie wants my book light. no thanks!! well,
POST tomorrow!!! and i mean really tomorrow!!!!
till then!!! :)
HEY!! it is tomorrow. And i am posting. Well, i got up this morning, (i had the weirdest dream that we were presenting our geography projects, and lucy, rachel, and nicole were at my table, and mrs. veal was just like, ok. Harrison cook will go first and then emily, because we are going in alphabetical through the class. (i am not after cook!!) well, then she asked us if we all had our salads. Then, i woke up) and we had the complimentary breakfast in the lobby (i had froot loops and apple juice) and then i got ready, and we left to the marina. We had rented a boat for 10 am to 2 pm. We were all really excited. When we got there we saw our boat and the dude explained to us how to use it and stuff, and we took off. First we rode around (very fast) for a while. Then we played in the lake and tried to guess the passwords for eachothers clubs. fun. THen, we took out the tube and put it on the back of the boat and rode it. First andrew, william and I went. Andrew and i purposely fell off. :) Then just andrew and william. Then, my dad and i. That was not the best because my mom was driving the boat, so she was a MAINIAC!!! my dad and i went like 8 feet into the air!!! Then, andrew and dattie, then mommie and andrew(i think. maybe not that order). Then we had lunch on the boat. Bagel sandwiches agian. :) yum!!! Then we played a little more on the lake. After, we all got on the boat and we took a fast run through the lake. We also tried to find the rope swing, but we never did. Then, mommie, william and i took the tube and just rode slowly back to where the boats were docked. We were sad it was over :( It was so much fun!! After we took a quick plunge (dattie word!!) in the pool to get cooled off and such. Then we came back to our room. I took a shower, and then watched the vido for my book (skeleton creek: the raven- really GOOD BOOK!!! like the best series EVER!!) and now i am on the computer in the lobby. OH! we also popped some popcorn in the lobby, because, of course, we brought our own. IT WAS SO GOOD!! i love popcorn!!! :)It is 3:44. I should probibaly go, becuase there are people surrounding me at the tables eating. AKWARD!!!!!!!!!! well, i am now going to check my email and then let william play on the computer.
TTFN!! (ta ta for now) Write back later!!! probibaly tonight!!! bibi!!
hey! it is so not tonight only 3:57. i am still on the computer. the people left (yeah!!) and i just checked my email. I felt i needed to say i had 9, and i just checked it last night. 8 were from ashley and 1 from my mom. wow ashley if u r reading this. U ROCK!! :) well, i better go throw my popcorn bag away that my mom just told me to do. :( and give the computer to william. bibi!!!
TTFN!!! write back, well, probibaly (i can NEVER spell that!!!)not tonight. earlier. knowing me:)
HEY!!!! it is 6:24 (it is officially tonight), and we have not been doing much. After i blogged last, william couldn't find anything to do on the computer, so we both went outside and played corn hole and the ladder game. Only, it did not last long. I was getting eaten by misquitoes. GRRR. so then we came inside. Mommie was sleeping, and andrew and dattie were reading, so william and i went out to the lounge area right outside our door, upstairs, and we turned on the TV. It is so cool because we can watch whatever we want. Even change the channel. FUN!!! :) and not many peeps are here, so ya. They wont redicule us. Well, i watched like 1 show, and then fell asleep for 1 and a half shows, so like 45 minutes. Then, when i woke up, william was still awake and there watching tv. i suspect he never moved. well, then i watched the other half of the wizards of waverly place that was on. Then, it was like 6, so i went back in the room and got ready to go to dinner. I could not wear my Sponge bob shirt :( it needed to be fancy. well, mommie does not call it fancy, but she wanted me to be "cute". Now, i am here and we r about to leave, so......
TTFN!! post after dinner and stuff. maybe tomorrow, but probibly (still cant spell!) not.
HEY!! it is so way not after dinner. it is only 6:39. we r leaving soon. I just checked my email. I had like 7, 1 from angela. 6 from ashley. GO ASHLEY!! :) well, then after, ashley was on the same time as me, so i got like 2 more from her. so, ya. i got to go to dinner. bibi!!
later tonight i will post again!! TTFN!!
HEY!! it is now 9:02. We just finished eating our smores out by the fire. We had dinner, i had a very small cesar salad and a few bites of andrew's crab cake. Tonight we sat inside. After dinner, we came out and andrew and i played some corn hole. He won. 6 to 3. Close!! :) jk. well, after that the whole family played ladder ball. It was really fun!! Dattie and I were the 2 finalists. He won though. :( for the 2 finalists, we played 4 rounds until dattie actually got 2 points on the 4th. grrrrrr. Then we had smores. i just had one. my personal lowest record. well, then i cam inside and straight to the computer. fun.
probibly post tomorrow when we get home. we r leaving at like 6:30. way too early!! grrrrr
HEY!!! i am home!!! it is tomorrow!!! it is 9:52 right now. We got home at, WOW!! 8:52!! amazing!! well, when we got home we unloaded the car, i fed mattie and got her litter box, i listened to music, i unpacked my bag, i checked my email, and now i am here. I had like 38 emails because when i check them elsewhere, they do not appear checked. only like 7 of them i hadn't read. Mostly from ashley. Well, ya. In the car i slept. ya. pretty much the whole time. We left at around 6:45. I got up at like 6:15. grrrrr. early. Well, that is all for this post. hope to post another something on a later date. BIBI!!!!
Wednesday, May 25, 2011
Sunday, April 24, 2011
I embarrassed a little kid today. I was on the trampoline at my g-ma's neighbor's house, and there was this kid next door, and he was watering his garden. so i said "hi kid! what's ur name" and he looked over, then ignored me. Then, later, his dad came out with him, and then i said, "that is a nice looking garden u got there!!" and he was like..... ok....... i dont think he said anything though. hehe. it was funny. my cousin was there too (morgan) and she just ducked like she didn't know anything. HEEHHE i think i embarrassed her too!!!!! hahahahahah!! well, how was ur easter? mine was pretty good. I had to wake up at 5:30, because we had to go to this sunrise service on the golf corse in my neighbor hood, because the person who was doing it was one of our good friends. after that, we came home and searched for our easter basket and eggs. i got CHOCOLATE (which i gave up for lent) and candy and a book on cats with REALLY cute pictures, and new earphones, and candy and CHOCOLATE!!! it tasted SO GOOD!!!! I LOVE CHOCOLATE!!!! :) i had A BUNCH TODAY!! after that, i got ready and went to church with issy and her family and my g-ma and g-dad. after that, we all went to lunch at this fancy restaurant, and the room we had looked like a really big board room. everyone from church(plus morgan and her family) went. after that, we went to my g-ma and g-dad's house and had an easter egg hunt (i love childish things!!!!!). after that, issy left and morgan and i went to jump on the trampoline (mentioned earlier in this email). Then we came home and i went to feed the cats across the street while my neighbors were on a trip, and one of the cats went out of the house, so i tried to get it, and it ran away. I was outside for 35 minutes trying to find it, and when i did, it was going into the house, and stood in the door-way for 5 minutes, and then i tried to shove it in, and it ran away again. GRRRR!! finally, my mom came to see what was taking me so long, and of corse she just picks it up and brings it inside. GRRRR!!! After that, andrew and i made popsicles. There was a lot of batter stuff we made, (it was pinklemonade popsicles, and the liquid made 3 batches) we each had 2. and they were pretty big. BUT THEY WERE REALLY GOOD!!! then i took a shower, and now i am here. wow. good easter.
Saturday, March 26, 2011
This past week was my spring break. I had so much fun. We just stayed home becuase William (younger bro) still had school, and Andrew ( i think u know him) had a mission trip from Saturday to Thursday, so we really couldn't go anywhere, But i still had so much fun at home!! My spring break started with.......
Saturday: on Friday night Ashley Dobbs (my BFFL) slept over. We had to wake up really early in the morning on saturday though (like 7:00) becuase we were going with a group from my church to service day. We were going to spread mulch at atlanta union mission. We woke up at 7, and it was really hard to get up becuase we had gone to bed at 12:30, and it was REALLY early. When we got up we got ready and had breakfast and left by 7:17. We stopped by the church to meat with our mulch spreading group, and we picked up 2 people in our car, and the others in another car. When we got to the place where we were spreading mulch, they told us we would be doing it on the 2 playgrounds and the picnik (that is not how u spell it, idk how) area. First, we did the smallest one. Ashley, William and I spread the mulch with a rake, and dattie shoveled it into the wheelbarrows so that they could take it to the playground. It was really tiring!! When we were done with the smallest area, we did not know how we would hold up on the other two, which were like more than twice the size of the one we had just did. We took a break or two on the second one, and had water and a snack. When we were done with the largest playground, we went to the picnik area. That one only needed to have a thin layer of mulch, because that was just for decoration. It did not take too long. When we were done with that, we were so releived, except for the fact we still had more than and hour to work! When we found some place to spread the mulch, it was infront of the building, which meant with the wheelbarrows we would have to carry them all the way to the front, like 3/4 around the building we would have to walk. Ashley and I then took turns taking the wheelbarrow, until we found another wheelbarrow and we both took it. The only problem with the other wheelbarrow was that it was an old timey one. It was like 4 times heaver than the other one, and ashley made me carry that one. It was a lot of work! Finally, I traded with my dad for a bigger wheelbarrow, but it was wood, not metal. It was still much heaver than the one ashley was carrying. Finally, at 12:10, we went in for a meeting, and then after, it was time to leave. Before the meeting, Ashley's parents came. we were startled, but they said there were in the area so they stopped by to see what we had done. For lunch Ashley, William, Dattie, and I went to jimmy john's (for those of u who dont know what that is, it is the best sub place EVER!!) It was awesome after a long day of work. Nothing much happened the rest of the day except I went over to Ashley's house and we did blind makeovers. It was so much fun! (i will post a new post on pics over spring break when I have the right computer) Then I slept over there on Saturday night.
Sunday: On sunday morning, Ashley and I woke up in the morning and had breakfast. Then I went to Ashley's church. It was a lot of fun! It was REALLY loud too!! After that, ashley and I had to say our goodbyes, and I went home. (I cant really remember what else happened on Sunday, so it must have not been much!!!)
Monday: On Monday, nothing really happened. William WOKE ME UP AT 7 O'CLOCK!!!!!!!!!!!! Just becuase he was yelling at dattie to get his clothes from upstairs, he was downstairs. It was so horrible, and i am still REALLY mad about it. On my first day of spring break too!!It was a layed back kind of day. I played the Wii for like 4 hours, watched TV for some time, and played on the computer. I played william's new (he got for christmas and no one had played it before) wii game, guilty party. it was a lot of fun!!!!! I also played dance dance revolution, and that was fun too!! I also played da blob (is that what it is called??) Nothing else really happed over the day.
Tuesday: On Tuesday, it was another layedback kinda day. It was fun. In the morning my mom and I went to get Bagels at Einstines. They were really good. After that, since we were in the Target plaza, we went to Target. We went there mainly to get a peewee pillow pet, a bee, because i have the big one, and the small one are so cute! We ended up staying for a long time because we looked for clothes. we found like 4 things in the long time we were there, but they are good clothes! When william got home, i taught him how tho play his wii game, and he liked it! he didn't cry! (he sometimes does when we try to teach him to play wii) I dont remember what else happend though. It was fun to just stay home n' stuff.
Wednesday: On Wednesday, my mommy and dattie took a day of work off, so we could spend a day together. It was so much fun! In the morning we went to The World of Coke. It was so cool!! i had gone there before, with Angela (my other BFFL) but my mom and dad had not. We got there at like 10:30, and we went in and watched a little video. After that, we went out and took a pic with the little furry animals with big lips which were in the video. Then we looked around in a room that shows how coke is made, and then we went in an old timey room, where it had old timey coke machines, statues of the person who invented coke, and stuff like that. There was also many coke bottles from the past and different countries. Then we went to the 4D movie theatre in the coke museum. It was so cool because it was a movie on coke n' stuff, and there was wind, water, moving seats, and even a button on the back of the seat that pocked or backs once. It was fun. Then we went to the best part of the World of coke. THE TASTING ROOM!!! yumm!! There were a bunch of different coke products from around the world and stuff. It Was so cool! i tried ALL OF THEM!! there were like more than 60. hehe! it was cool!!! and good!! When we were leaving, they even gave us a free coke bottle. It was a bottle. like the cool glass kind! after that, we exited the building through the gift shop. They had a bunch of coke stuff in there that was cool. There were sented t-shirts, coke pollar bears, and giant coke bottle piggy banks. The only bad part was that it was way to overpriced, so we got nothing. After that we all walked to the westin hotel, and went to the restaurant at the top, the sundial. it was 72 floors up, and IT SPINS!! it is so cool!!! it takes a little less than an hour to spin around. it is slow, but it still is so cool because you can see different views of atlanta. I even saw stone mountain in the distance. The food was really good. First we had bread and then i got a fried chicked sadwhich, which was AMAZING!! after that, we had to get home becuase we had to pick up william. Later, I went over to Kelly's (my other BFFL) house for a sleepover. We played the wii, went on the electric scooters n' stuff, and played games (clue twice, i won both times, jenga twice, i won both times, and guess who multiple times, i won all of them except when i had a girl(there are only 5 girls so it is easy to guess them, there are a lot of boys) and kelly had a boy. she never had a girl. grrrrrrr. For dinner we had pizza. then we played mario kart and kelly won. i never did. we played with japanese peeps!! it was cool!!! then we made a ponder video. it was funny!! then we went to bed.
Tursday: On thursday morning kelly and i woke up and played wii again, and had breakfast. it was good. then we played clue, and i won again. while we were playing clue, my g-ma came and picked me up. My g-ma and I then whent to which which, which she loves, but never gets to go to, because there is none close to her. then, we went to a pottery painting place. It was so much fun! I painted a bowl with a kitty inside, and she painted a plate with fish on it, she thinks it was bad, but it was so good! so dont listen to her!!! after that we went to the regas's (my cousin's house) to interview issy (my cousin) becasuse she has a school in her room for her stuffed animals. it is so cool because it is like a real school room. Then, we came to my house and had dinner there. When we got there, andrew was already there, back from his mission trip, so we had his favorite dinner, beefaroni. it was really good. after that, mimi painted my nails with my nail art pens, and i painted hers. It was fun. After that, she had to leave. it was a fun day!
Friday: On Friday, it was a fun stay home kind of day. In the morning, my mom left for a meeting, and Andrew and I threw a party!! JK, we played the wii. I taught him how to play guilty party on the wii. he liked it too. Then, OUR NEW COUCH FOR THE BASEMENT ARRIVED!! we had been waiting for it for like a year. my mom told us we would get a new couch like a year ago, and then, a month ago, she said she finally ordered it, and it would be here in a month. grrrrr!! but we got it and it is so cool! after that, Amenda (my other BFFL) came over. She came over becasue we were going to make our Movie for latin. It turned out AWESOME!! it was fun. Afer we make the movie, we celebrated that it was over and we had pie (keylime) and played basketball (gotcha). Then she had to leave. After that, we hung out at home, and had dinner (pizza) and then went downstairs, to our new couch, and watched fear factor. we watched 2, and then it was time for william to go to bed, so then we watched AFV. After, it was time for mommy and dattie to go to bed, but andrew and i watched the new icarly and deal or no deal. Then we went to bed.
Saturday: On saturday, i got up and came to my mommy and dattie's room and cuddled with them, because they were sleeping in. Then we discussed what we were going to do for the day, and then i played datties phone. Dattie also brought home chick-fil-a for breakfast. i had the chicken out of the biscutes of chicken minis and hashbrowns. it was really good. After that, i went to my room and sorted all my clothes (i have a lot) from winter to summer. I took out all the winter stuff and put in the summer stuff. it took a long time. then, i got the computer and did exactly what i am doing now. I blogged. After i do this, i will play the wii or something, and at 3:30, we are going to the mall, which we never do, it was my mom's idea. i wanted to go to the forum, but it was raining. and then for dinner, we are going to go to brio, the awesome bread place with the game outside. ya. im excited. then i will come home and probibly (i can never spell that word!!) watch a movie or something. then go to bed
What i am planning to do on Sunday: On sunday we will go to church and probibly go to lunch with mimi and g-dad, and then come home and mommy and dattie will take a nap, like always on sundays, and i will try to finish my book, tuck everlasting by natalie babbit. Then idk what we will do.
I forgot friday, after school: my mom had a meeting at the school with mrs huggins, gigi's mom, and andrew had jay over because they had some party thing to go to later, and i went to the lowerschool playground. When i was there, i saw lucy. She said she stayed there on fridays at aftercare until like 4:30 or 5, because her mom worked, and i kept her company. she said all she did was play her iphone for a long time in a corner. poor lucy. when se were there, We found the kid who chased us in kindergarden. He was now in second grade. i kinda remembered him, but not really. Then, i left, and ashley came over later, and bla bla we played things and gave ourselves japanese makeovers and took pics (will be on another post) and dressed funkily, and watched tv (movie=best player) it was fun. then we wnet to bed.
I had a very fun spring break and i cant wait for next year! OR just summer! :) i really dont want to go back to school though. but i still have the weekend, and then i have to go back. well, that was a very long post. wouldn't it be funny if i didn't post it, i accidently exited it out!! that would not be funny! i would not post again. that took like and hour. well, hope you enjoyed my experience with me!!!!! :) hope you have or had a great spring break like mine! I KNOW IT WONT BE BETTER!! :) bibi!
Saturday: on Friday night Ashley Dobbs (my BFFL) slept over. We had to wake up really early in the morning on saturday though (like 7:00) becuase we were going with a group from my church to service day. We were going to spread mulch at atlanta union mission. We woke up at 7, and it was really hard to get up becuase we had gone to bed at 12:30, and it was REALLY early. When we got up we got ready and had breakfast and left by 7:17. We stopped by the church to meat with our mulch spreading group, and we picked up 2 people in our car, and the others in another car. When we got to the place where we were spreading mulch, they told us we would be doing it on the 2 playgrounds and the picnik (that is not how u spell it, idk how) area. First, we did the smallest one. Ashley, William and I spread the mulch with a rake, and dattie shoveled it into the wheelbarrows so that they could take it to the playground. It was really tiring!! When we were done with the smallest area, we did not know how we would hold up on the other two, which were like more than twice the size of the one we had just did. We took a break or two on the second one, and had water and a snack. When we were done with the largest playground, we went to the picnik area. That one only needed to have a thin layer of mulch, because that was just for decoration. It did not take too long. When we were done with that, we were so releived, except for the fact we still had more than and hour to work! When we found some place to spread the mulch, it was infront of the building, which meant with the wheelbarrows we would have to carry them all the way to the front, like 3/4 around the building we would have to walk. Ashley and I then took turns taking the wheelbarrow, until we found another wheelbarrow and we both took it. The only problem with the other wheelbarrow was that it was an old timey one. It was like 4 times heaver than the other one, and ashley made me carry that one. It was a lot of work! Finally, I traded with my dad for a bigger wheelbarrow, but it was wood, not metal. It was still much heaver than the one ashley was carrying. Finally, at 12:10, we went in for a meeting, and then after, it was time to leave. Before the meeting, Ashley's parents came. we were startled, but they said there were in the area so they stopped by to see what we had done. For lunch Ashley, William, Dattie, and I went to jimmy john's (for those of u who dont know what that is, it is the best sub place EVER!!) It was awesome after a long day of work. Nothing much happened the rest of the day except I went over to Ashley's house and we did blind makeovers. It was so much fun! (i will post a new post on pics over spring break when I have the right computer) Then I slept over there on Saturday night.
Sunday: On sunday morning, Ashley and I woke up in the morning and had breakfast. Then I went to Ashley's church. It was a lot of fun! It was REALLY loud too!! After that, ashley and I had to say our goodbyes, and I went home. (I cant really remember what else happened on Sunday, so it must have not been much!!!)
Monday: On Monday, nothing really happened. William WOKE ME UP AT 7 O'CLOCK!!!!!!!!!!!! Just becuase he was yelling at dattie to get his clothes from upstairs, he was downstairs. It was so horrible, and i am still REALLY mad about it. On my first day of spring break too!!It was a layed back kind of day. I played the Wii for like 4 hours, watched TV for some time, and played on the computer. I played william's new (he got for christmas and no one had played it before) wii game, guilty party. it was a lot of fun!!!!! I also played dance dance revolution, and that was fun too!! I also played da blob (is that what it is called??) Nothing else really happed over the day.
Tuesday: On Tuesday, it was another layedback kinda day. It was fun. In the morning my mom and I went to get Bagels at Einstines. They were really good. After that, since we were in the Target plaza, we went to Target. We went there mainly to get a peewee pillow pet, a bee, because i have the big one, and the small one are so cute! We ended up staying for a long time because we looked for clothes. we found like 4 things in the long time we were there, but they are good clothes! When william got home, i taught him how tho play his wii game, and he liked it! he didn't cry! (he sometimes does when we try to teach him to play wii) I dont remember what else happend though. It was fun to just stay home n' stuff.
Wednesday: On Wednesday, my mommy and dattie took a day of work off, so we could spend a day together. It was so much fun! In the morning we went to The World of Coke. It was so cool!! i had gone there before, with Angela (my other BFFL) but my mom and dad had not. We got there at like 10:30, and we went in and watched a little video. After that, we went out and took a pic with the little furry animals with big lips which were in the video. Then we looked around in a room that shows how coke is made, and then we went in an old timey room, where it had old timey coke machines, statues of the person who invented coke, and stuff like that. There was also many coke bottles from the past and different countries. Then we went to the 4D movie theatre in the coke museum. It was so cool because it was a movie on coke n' stuff, and there was wind, water, moving seats, and even a button on the back of the seat that pocked or backs once. It was fun. Then we went to the best part of the World of coke. THE TASTING ROOM!!! yumm!! There were a bunch of different coke products from around the world and stuff. It Was so cool! i tried ALL OF THEM!! there were like more than 60. hehe! it was cool!!! and good!! When we were leaving, they even gave us a free coke bottle. It was a bottle. like the cool glass kind! after that, we exited the building through the gift shop. They had a bunch of coke stuff in there that was cool. There were sented t-shirts, coke pollar bears, and giant coke bottle piggy banks. The only bad part was that it was way to overpriced, so we got nothing. After that we all walked to the westin hotel, and went to the restaurant at the top, the sundial. it was 72 floors up, and IT SPINS!! it is so cool!!! it takes a little less than an hour to spin around. it is slow, but it still is so cool because you can see different views of atlanta. I even saw stone mountain in the distance. The food was really good. First we had bread and then i got a fried chicked sadwhich, which was AMAZING!! after that, we had to get home becuase we had to pick up william. Later, I went over to Kelly's (my other BFFL) house for a sleepover. We played the wii, went on the electric scooters n' stuff, and played games (clue twice, i won both times, jenga twice, i won both times, and guess who multiple times, i won all of them except when i had a girl(there are only 5 girls so it is easy to guess them, there are a lot of boys) and kelly had a boy. she never had a girl. grrrrrrr. For dinner we had pizza. then we played mario kart and kelly won. i never did. we played with japanese peeps!! it was cool!!! then we made a ponder video. it was funny!! then we went to bed.
Tursday: On thursday morning kelly and i woke up and played wii again, and had breakfast. it was good. then we played clue, and i won again. while we were playing clue, my g-ma came and picked me up. My g-ma and I then whent to which which, which she loves, but never gets to go to, because there is none close to her. then, we went to a pottery painting place. It was so much fun! I painted a bowl with a kitty inside, and she painted a plate with fish on it, she thinks it was bad, but it was so good! so dont listen to her!!! after that we went to the regas's (my cousin's house) to interview issy (my cousin) becasuse she has a school in her room for her stuffed animals. it is so cool because it is like a real school room. Then, we came to my house and had dinner there. When we got there, andrew was already there, back from his mission trip, so we had his favorite dinner, beefaroni. it was really good. after that, mimi painted my nails with my nail art pens, and i painted hers. It was fun. After that, she had to leave. it was a fun day!
Friday: On Friday, it was a fun stay home kind of day. In the morning, my mom left for a meeting, and Andrew and I threw a party!! JK, we played the wii. I taught him how to play guilty party on the wii. he liked it too. Then, OUR NEW COUCH FOR THE BASEMENT ARRIVED!! we had been waiting for it for like a year. my mom told us we would get a new couch like a year ago, and then, a month ago, she said she finally ordered it, and it would be here in a month. grrrrr!! but we got it and it is so cool! after that, Amenda (my other BFFL) came over. She came over becasue we were going to make our Movie for latin. It turned out AWESOME!! it was fun. Afer we make the movie, we celebrated that it was over and we had pie (keylime) and played basketball (gotcha). Then she had to leave. After that, we hung out at home, and had dinner (pizza) and then went downstairs, to our new couch, and watched fear factor. we watched 2, and then it was time for william to go to bed, so then we watched AFV. After, it was time for mommy and dattie to go to bed, but andrew and i watched the new icarly and deal or no deal. Then we went to bed.
Saturday: On saturday, i got up and came to my mommy and dattie's room and cuddled with them, because they were sleeping in. Then we discussed what we were going to do for the day, and then i played datties phone. Dattie also brought home chick-fil-a for breakfast. i had the chicken out of the biscutes of chicken minis and hashbrowns. it was really good. After that, i went to my room and sorted all my clothes (i have a lot) from winter to summer. I took out all the winter stuff and put in the summer stuff. it took a long time. then, i got the computer and did exactly what i am doing now. I blogged. After i do this, i will play the wii or something, and at 3:30, we are going to the mall, which we never do, it was my mom's idea. i wanted to go to the forum, but it was raining. and then for dinner, we are going to go to brio, the awesome bread place with the game outside. ya. im excited. then i will come home and probibly (i can never spell that word!!) watch a movie or something. then go to bed
What i am planning to do on Sunday: On sunday we will go to church and probibly go to lunch with mimi and g-dad, and then come home and mommy and dattie will take a nap, like always on sundays, and i will try to finish my book, tuck everlasting by natalie babbit. Then idk what we will do.
I forgot friday, after school: my mom had a meeting at the school with mrs huggins, gigi's mom, and andrew had jay over because they had some party thing to go to later, and i went to the lowerschool playground. When i was there, i saw lucy. She said she stayed there on fridays at aftercare until like 4:30 or 5, because her mom worked, and i kept her company. she said all she did was play her iphone for a long time in a corner. poor lucy. when se were there, We found the kid who chased us in kindergarden. He was now in second grade. i kinda remembered him, but not really. Then, i left, and ashley came over later, and bla bla we played things and gave ourselves japanese makeovers and took pics (will be on another post) and dressed funkily, and watched tv (movie=best player) it was fun. then we wnet to bed.
I had a very fun spring break and i cant wait for next year! OR just summer! :) i really dont want to go back to school though. but i still have the weekend, and then i have to go back. well, that was a very long post. wouldn't it be funny if i didn't post it, i accidently exited it out!! that would not be funny! i would not post again. that took like and hour. well, hope you enjoyed my experience with me!!!!! :) hope you have or had a great spring break like mine! I KNOW IT WONT BE BETTER!! :) bibi!
Saturday, February 19, 2011
hey guys!! I just wanted to make a special shoutout to my grandma who is so loyal and awesome. she comes on my blog about every day! and no one else does!! so happy seeing this mimi!!! and only u! i love you so much and hope to see ya soon. well, actually i am in the mountains right now with u and i will see u until we leave. so, i love ya and see ya when i get downstairs. tehe. i love ya so much! thanks for being loyal! (u r talking about the new york trip and nana rite now. idk if u know i am on the computer tehe)
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