Last weekend my family and I went "camping". It was Friday when we left and went up to Helen Georgia, and camped at Andrews Cove. When we found our campsite we set up our tent. We have a big, two room tent, so it took longer than usual. Aft
er that, we went tubin
g down the Chatahochee (idk how to spell) It was so

much fun. It took about 2 hours to do the whole way. After we went tubing, we
got changed and went to town. Each child could get a treat. William (my little bro.) and I got an assortment
of candy,

and Andrew (my big bro.) got a hu
ge slice of mint fudge.

They were really satisfying. After we went shopping, we went back to our campsite, and
something tragic started to happen. It started to rain. We all decided that, thanks to andrew who brought

n, which worked perfectly. We watched a little bit of TV and the whole family ate dinner in the living room. Sadly, it was time to go to sleep. Andrew and I took the room with the smaller bed, My mom and dad took the king size bed, and William slept on a couch in the living room.it, we should play a rousing game of apples to apples. It was really fun, especially because it was dark out, and we used candles and mini flashlights. My mom and william won. We stopped playing because we all felt drops! TRAGIC!! THE TENT WAS LEAKING!!! There was no thing we could do about it but go find a hotel. So we did. We went to 2, but they had no more rooms available. When we were finding another hotel with open rooms, my mom spotted a place where you can rent a cabin. We ended up doing that, and it was an awesome cabin. There were 2 bed rooms, a living room with a tv, and a kitchen. For dinner we had made hobo dinners, which is a bunch of raw veggies and a hunk of meat. We were going to cook them by the campfire, but

instead we cooked them in the ove

When we got up, we were all deciding on what to do that day. Finally my mom found the PERFECTEST thing. We would rent a boat and a tube at lake burton. And that is exactly what we did. We went up to my moms favorite lake, Lake Burton, and did my moms favorite thing, ride on a boat. We got there at one, and we got all ready, and got on our boat. It was SO MUCH FUN!!! When we got further out into the lake, we hooked on the tube to the back of the boat, and, andrew and I went first. It was awesome. Next, william and my dad went. William was so cute and he loved it. After they went, we all had lunch (sandwiches) that we brought on the boat. When we were done eating, we swam around the boat in the middle of the lake. After, we all got on the boat and all 3 kids went on the tube. That was fun! When william got off, andrew and I stayed on and went fast, which was really fun. We fell off a few times, but that was the funnest part. After we went, another tragic thing happened. We were lost. We tried asking one person, but sense we did not know the lake, the peoples directions did not mean much. Finally, after asking 4 people, we found our way back. We would have stayed out for another 45 minutes, but it started raining when we were finding our way. It was OK because we still got a long time out in the lake. When we got back, we changed and went home. Sense we go to andrews cove every year, we wanted to make the boat a tradition, cause it was like the funnest part of the trip. Our weekend was so awesome, and I cant wait until next year!!!